
Dear readers, the inevitable moment has come: after 20 years posting reviews, articles and news, our website will be closed. Since its inception ScoreTrack has been essentially dedicated to cinephile collectors of soundtracks CDs, DVDs and more recently Blu-rays. Needless to say, in these 20 years of life, much has changed in the world, and especially in the areas of our interest. The physical media agonizes, the big market today prioritizes streaming and download, and among the greatest film music composers in history, only John Williams is still in sparse activity, probably definitively retiring after the next Star Wars feature. And last but not least: the many collaborators we had left to pursue other professional and personal projects.

For these, besides other factors specific to me, made it very clear that one era came to an end, and led us to the bitter decision to conclude our activities. However, the site (both in Portuguese and English) will remain indefinitely online, keeping accessible at least part of the records of two decades that, for me and for those who collaborated with this project, were full of rich and rewarding experiences.

I want to thank to all readers, collaborators and supporters  who have honored us, wishing everyone a lot of happiness and success in the years to come. Many thanks to you, ScoreTrackers!

Jorge Saldanha – Editor